Monday, September 25, 2017

With Anthony Wiener going away to prison, it might be a good time to review one of the congressman's press conferences which was take over initially by Andrew Breitbart, before Wiener arrived, in an epically bold move to vindicate his reporting

Breitbart seizes the podium and makes his the press conference his own.  We'll never see anyone else in our lifetime with the chutzpah that Andrew had.

Wiener follows with a syrupy apology, to everyone, including Breitbart.


  1. In a modern day bastardization of Veni, vidi, vici, - Weiner came, the people saw, and Breitbart conquered. Wish he could have been around today around to see the weeping Weiner, sans Huma. Hey Anthony, “i” before “e” except after we’ve seen...

  2. Didn't I hear that Breitbart's demise was suspicious?

    1. I certainly thought it was. Most heart attack victims don't just fall down dead while crossing the street, and there were other mysterious occurrences around that same time.

      Here's a WND article that discusses it:

  3. Weiner was born under bad stars, or so he now contends.

    Marrying Huma Weiner compounded the bad luck and forced Carlos Danger to emerge.

    It will all be in his new book.

    1. Huma brought Hillary into the bedroom for a ménage à trois video. Heck, that'd send any man over the edge.

  4. He's only sorry he got caught....

  5. Replies
    1. I still have his portrait up on my bulletin board. I just can't bear to take it down, though I know he won't be coming back.
